
tisdag 26 november 2019

Hello again dear friends in the cyperspace!! Here I am with some of my akita thoughts about life....apolgizes for my swenglish but I guess you will understand the gist of anyway....and if you don`t.....sorry for you!!!!!
The picture above`s the typical fake news!!!! is NOT my cuddle toy I have in my paws...stupid old dad put it there to get a mock me I guess...well he will not succeed in his intention....I don`t bother to care....I am an inscrutable akita-inu!!!!

How is it to be an akita you may ask...well thank you it`s quite nice....for the most part. It´s the thing about humans always questioning our character. Take a couple of days ago...we were in the city to stand models ( as always ) under the "Tree Of Love" ( you can see the photos down below )...and people  ( as always ) come forward and start talking ( thats nice, put sometimes it`s to often ) and asking these stupid questions " They are special right" sure we are special, we are one of a kind, we are bloody japanese warrior dogs directly sprung from the you beware son!!!!" Are they nice ?" cause we are, but not to you!!!! "Are they hard to handle?" well I certainly don`t think long as I can do it my way, at the time I want to and if I want to a k a the akita-do, the akita way, I can`t see any problems at all about handling an akita.

"They are a bit like cats,right?"....what the f-word!!!!...I don`t compare humans with monkeys do I??? Although the comparison is acurate. But yes they have a point there....we lick and try to keep ourselves clean and like cats the best company we have is ourselves....

In facebook groups sometimes people who are interested in getting an akita ask about our says he could write a book thick as a Bibel about that. I wouldn`t know a thing about that!!! I guess we are quite normal....or???

OK I or maybe two things stand out. We have this control behavior....I am a control freak!!! There you have it!! Guilt of charge!!! But you can not alter object around me without me getting the world coming to an end or what!!!!...if I see a car parked that wasn`t parked there yesterday or the neighboor changed the place for his dustbin...then I have to stand and contemplate for awhile and then let them know that this is not right!!!!

And when I am off for a walk....I always have to stop in the doorway to sniff and listen for a couple of minutes....take a few steps into the driveway and stop again....sniff, listen...take some slow steps out on the road and "same procedure as last year,dad"...sniff and listen. Then maybe I can walk to the next corner...but again I just must stop, sniff and listen....and turn my head around to see if someone is going to attack me from`s never ever anybody there but I MUST check!!!
Dad gets so mad and Zumi is eager to go ahead...but I am the boss and 40 kilo is a lot of weight to drag.....

Dad think I have this annoying habit of always stop to sniff/pee in front of a neighbours kitchen window ( people sit there eating ), on a driveway when the owner tries to get the car out  and when there is a gap in traffic so we can cross the road......

And he think I am the master of walking without`s like non-walking but moving somewhat....he do not understand that it is the akita not drag me in the leash geezer!!! I am coming, I am coming!! But in my own time!! He says that I am like a little spoilt and disobediant child......

So yes sure!...I have some minor eccentrities...but it goes with my charming factor......
And I am can`t say anything else!!!!hehehehe!

Down in the city for modeling......

Zumi taking every opportunity to fuzz with children...she has taken on herself to clean every kids face with her kisses and licks.....

måndag 18 november 2019

Shoololooo dear blogg readers!!! how are things??? me?? I am fine thank you!!! We have been down to the center of Uppsala...... they have what they call "Allt ljus på Uppsala", that would be like " All light on Uppsala" during the gloooooomy month of November...... the city hall wants to pep up us, winter melancholy swedes, so that we get in to the right Christmas mode! Its like lots of light/illumination installations all around the city center. Quiet nice really! This time we went with the little rascal Chihiro and family....she had two new bodyguards with her...her grandparents from Uddevalla ( thats the human ones of course!!! ) Camilla and Staffan. They are very nice...though I am not quite ready to let them close to me all know by now that I am a slow started when it comes to bonding...and that applies to all humans...I have no prejudice in that aspect....
If you have very very good eyes ( like me!! ) you can see us standing on the bridge.....from left to right....grandpa Staffan, Chihiros mum Klara with Chihiro in her arms, Chihiros dad Sebastian with me, Camilla, then Kazumi and last and least my dad.....
I usually don`t post photos of the humans..... ( they are quit ugly I think, no fur and all !! )...and dad says that pictures on the internet can be used by criminal peoples...I dont know about that, I think dad have some conspiricy thoughts to tend to. But these pictures I think is very hard to do bad stuff with....or???....

On our walk through the city we had to stop several times....that happens often when we are in town but this time it was more...the little sweet Chihiro draw a  lot of attention....young teenaged girls couldn`t get enough of her.....Chihiro would be a millionaire if she could cash in on that....
Kazumi and I got our share of attention as well.....but I had a small setback though...I got into a stairing contest with an eldery woman....yes you heard me!!! dare an eldery woman challange me!!...ME!!! For million of years no akita has ever, and I mean EVER, lost a stairing contest! And I was certainly not the one who was going to break that chain....the stupid woman wouldn`t let go of my eyes even though dad sad that I don`t like it....if dad hadn`t shielded my eyes with his hand I myself would have had to told her off....and that wouldn`t have been nice. So please folks!!! dont challenge me!!!! you can`t win!!!!

Here is Kazumi waiting for Chihiro to arrive...they love one and another as sisters.....

Here arethe whole gang...sometimes Kazumi and Chihiro is still for some second so photos can be taken...the rest of the time the inside of our house is upside down....

The photo below is me wondering when they are coming to pick up Chihiro.....I get so nervous when she is is fun ( ??? ) but nerve wrecking.....

We have been in to the woods and mum has picked lingonberry brushwoods...she is making crowns of them for Christmas...we help her......

I think there are still bugs in play though they should sleep during wintertime...have to do some good old scratching of fur....

Kazumi is always on the move....for finding some bits and pieces of something edible...she must have a really big hole in her stomach...aha!!...thats where the Big Black Hole is!!!

Me, I am in the perfect shape and can handle any food whatsoever and not getting fat like the little mottled one in the family...look how athletic I am.....God I do love myself!!!!

Then we did some maybe think we are training for some Christmas dances or no no!This is the very ancient japanese "deathtoallgoldenretriversintheworld" dance...we have done it a lot but there are still some ugly retrivers out there....
You may think I dont like golden retrievers....yes and you are very right.....but I so happen not to like any other you see I am not prejudice in that matter either....

After dancing on the retivers grave and avoiding being kissed by Chihiro, one gets tired.....

Here is us waiting for hamburgers....the chef is sooooo damn slow....the drool is starting to give up...hurry up you damn burger bugger!!!!

I have one big weakness....chees!!...I so like the smell of chees...and I can smell from a thousand miles. If mum opens the fridge and takes out the chees I can wake up from the dead....and woops there I am...drooling....and for no use at all. I have never had and I suppose I will never have any!!!! But still I come running and begging for buggers!!!!!

tisdag 5 november 2019

Hi there you doing fine??? I am alright, thank you for wondering.
The weather has changed here in Uppsala,`s getting pitch dark when you go out in the morning and in the afternoon as is the KAMOS coming over us...the everlasting cold and dark winter night for months and months. Well actually it`s not that bad ....yet!...but it`s not the Thailand I can tell you!!!! Do you know how we can tell that its  moving on towards a long , hard and cold winter??? Well its not the weatherman on the tv, not some  spooky old same ( Enok Sarri ) up in the northern territory looking in fishes stomach or dad suddenly getting a blue bigtoe! No, on those signs you can`t more you can trust Kim Jong Un!! No, it`s when Sigge the cat find his way up on the glas cabinet and goes to rest for some 10 hours or more. He`s still agile that little furball....he is after all 13 years old , with arthritis and bad knees...but still going strong......and with the lights on in the cabinet it gets warm and coozy up there......

Chihiro was here to for Kazumi but a little tiresome for me. She is sooooooo fast that little one. She has a ferret, Elliot, at her home and I guess she learns her moves from him. Dad is trying to catch them on a photo but as you can see it`s impossible.......

When they are separated they eventually comes to some rest.......

Here you can see Kazumi waiting for Chihiro to come again...she just loves that shiba...
How do I know???? Last time Chihiro was here, Kazumi and I got a chicken filè each....and Kazumi gave it to Chihiro!!!!!!! I have NEVER seen anything like that before....she always tries to steal my and Sigges food, even if I have it my that why I know she loves Chihiro.....

This thing about people going on the wrong side of the street/ drives me nuts!!!!!! In Sweden we have right-hand traffic...that means you are supposed to go up against the oncoming traffic....that would be on the left side!!! Left side folks!!!! But some people without dogs or with dogs tend to insist on going on the right side!!! My God!!! We, Kazumi and I, have been learned to go on the left side of dad or as we meet dogowners with ugly dogs ( Kazumi thinks ALL dogs are ugly and barks at them sitting in the car....very disturbing for all of us sitting with her in the small car ), dad or mum are between us and the dogowner. But some people just MUST go on their right side...and I can not comprehend what they think when two vicious, maleficint and dangerous fighting dogs comes against them??!!!! Don`t they know that in some countries we have to have mussles???!!
Actually we are not dangerous....Kazumi would perhaps lick a person to death and I want any contact what so ever with strangers, but I have my comfort zone and if anyone comes to near I will let them know!!! Dogs understand...they move to the other side...but people just must pass us on the wrong side...even if it`s a ditch or a hedge they step into....crazy!!!!

It is lucky we can go to our house in Brevik Roslagen....there are not so many people around especially this time of year....the people with summer houses have gone into the city.

But still it can be dangerous out there...we took a walk into the woods behind our house...when suddenly...they started to shoot at us!!!!...well not actually right at us but nearby! I got scared...I don`t like shots....they are loud! And the hunters maybe think I am a big red fox, Kazumi a wolf or more likely a badger and perhaps they think dad is an elk or maybe a giraffe?!!...

This weekend we had overnight was our friends Astrid and Bodil...that was fun....the pictures below are taken by Astrid......

And as always we try to at least once a week go to the akita paradise....Morga Hage...

See you soon again.......