
onsdag 22 april 2020

The two best friends......Zumi and little Chihiro......
I am NOT doing anything naugty in the background!!!!!!!

They say....mum and dad...that Kazumi and even little Chihiro has done me a lot of the sense that I have become a lot social than before. Ok ok maybe I have some more trust in people I don`t first thought is not to kill them anyway!!...just joking folks!!!! But as an akita and male we have a lot of guard dog in us...our ancestors did work for the japanese warriors, the samurai, a long time you should always take it easy with us!!!
But lately I have cut some edges of that behavior and started to be more I see Kazumi is.

But I maybe shouldn`t take it to far....not doing like Zumi does.....
Maybe parents to some child would be a tiny bit worried if a male, 40 kilograms, red akita jumped up and liked their little baby....
I will leave that to Zumi....and children are actually not children...they are evil little very very good friend Mitsu warned me of them....and she was a very wise akita-inu....and very beautiful.
I miss you Mirai!!!!!!

You may wonder what this is all about.....and frankly so do I......very much so. Have you seen those videos on social medias with dogs using hand sanitizer? Due to the corona crisis. Well it is not exactly the actual dogs washing their hands with it ......dogs don`t have hands you see!!! and I don`t think the corona is that dangerous to it is their masters using them as props for doing, as the humans think, funny movies.

And of course my dad wanted to make one himself...very very stupid idea!!!!! He had it all planned....a script...that he was convinced would get him an Oscar statue!....and arranged the props for about an hour. Then it was the thing with the actors...he hadn`t thought to hard about that. When it was time for the first take....the actors a k a Shirai ( me ) and Kazumi called the Actors Union and spoke to our ombudsman ( did you know that ombudsman is one of the few swedish words in the english language!). The is Sigge the cat as it happens...said that if we hadn`t signed any contract we where not obliged to participate in this D-movie concept....he is a hard dude as nails as long as he isn`t on Phentanyl!!!

So we did a sit in!!!!
If dad want to embarrass a dog he can call the neighbourhoods stupid and ugly golden retriever Winston........

See you soon again.....................................

tisdag 14 april 2020

Hi there friends!!! We have been celebrating Kazumis birthday with a cake and you can see. I think that is not in order!!!! thinks that it is an akita by the name of Shirai who should be honored instead....for still being alive after two years of harassments by this little waster and good-for-nothing.....
Don`t you think she looks a bit posh standing there with her pretty nose up in the air???? Look at me!!! I am the pretty brindle....and I am two years now!!!
Bah!!! I will be five years soon and I am least mum and dad thinks so.....

Little Chi has been her....leaving her dirty paw prints everywhere......

We went out for a walk with our dear friend Daijina Mirai...she is always eager to take on some swimming....if there is water a puddle, a ditch or a lake....she doesnt hesitate to jump in. Can you see her in the picture above???

Oh there she is!!!!!

I think little Chihiro where out walking with her mum and dad!!!! But neither Daijina nor I will take any responsibility for her being on earth.....thank you!!!!!! But you can notice some resemblance??!!

Here I am waiting for the guest to arrive at our summerhouse during Easter.......

Here you can see mum, Jakob and Elsa at the beach in Grisslehamn....

Chihiro with her mum and dad, Klara and Sebastian, and Astrid and Nisse came as well....the house was full with dogs and people.....
We were stationed for the most part in the was on the making....hotdogs ( why in the Gods name do they call them that ??), chicken, meatballs, ham and other good to guard the humans so they dont eat it all themselves!!!!

Chihiro on the move for the food......

Chi is a good companion when we are outdoors...she likes to hunt too.....

Posing at the new steamboat landing-stage at Flottskär......

After all the food and all the exercise you get tired....

But not for long...the lawn is waiting for some fighting dog exercise.....

And then we got tired is hard work being a japanese dog.....

tisdag 7 april 2020

We were three dogs in our pack last week again....for five looooooooooong days. I dont know, but that little thing a k a Chihiro gets on my nerves sometimes......though I handle it with good manners as a gentleman should do. She is in love with me....and I dont blame her.....I think I am in love myself that is!!!! Who wouldnt be?????

For the most part Zumi takes care of the kindergarten stuff...she is good at that....playing and fooling around as two they are!!
Chihiro is in the picture above somewhere....can you find her????

Sigge our cat is not pleased with that we have an extra dog in our house. Chihiro has a catfriend, Luna, in her house so she is supposed to know how cats are...but in Sigge she is very interested....he is very NOT so. Mum and dad has to lift him up when he comes back from his outdoors events and but him in a Chihiro saferoom. That annoys him very much...he is used to roam around freely in the house and sleep in the best places.
Chihiro is a very fast and agile an unattended moment she managed to take a bite at Sigges tail. Zumi and I thought it looked funny with Chihiro having a proper wadd of Sigges tail in her mouth....Sigge on the contrary NOT!!!!!

A man in our neighbourhood put out a photo on his hedge that is adjacent to the street on our local Facebook community. And on the photo was a biiiig pile of animal feces....maybe an elephants by the size of it....but NOT mine I tell you!!!. The man was angry!!!!! He was pissed off!! He was furious!!! He did NOT want that kind of things near his precious home...lying unattended...someone was to blame...and he said he knew who had left it their.....I dont know how he could read from the very pile who the dog was who had left..or more accuratly the dogs owner who had not picked up its dogs poop. Maybe he was a fortune teller who read it poop???!!! Anyway if the piles owner a k a the dogowner  to the dog that had produced that amount of poop did not take care of the manure he threatened to put it in the dog owners mailbox!!!!!Hahahaha! I hope he does it himself and doesn`t do it by the Royal Swedish Postservices....poor postman to have to deliver poop....poor poop postman eh?!

You know that in Sweden you can get prosecuted if you do not pick up what your dog produces from the rear end!!!!!! That is Sweden in a can get away with murder if you have an accomplish so you can blame each other for it....but if you leave your dogs s h i t on the ground they slam the prison door in your face and throw away the key!!!!!

When we are out walking Chihiro always walks by my side....I can see she that she is proud to be there....beside a very handsome akita......

On Dag Hammarskjölds road we saw a dog that by an inch escaped meeting his maker....Dag Hammarskjöld by the way is a very famous person...he was the Secretary-General of the UN...tragically dead in a plane crash in Africa....and buried in Uppsala. An old man...not Dag Hammarskjöld of course ....was with his dog on the other side of the road...and off leash!!!!! The stupid mongrel saw three beautiful dogs and desided that he wanted to say hello...maybe to get some autographs or whatever...I dont know what goes on in stupid dogs heads...I have enough to worry about my own...head that is!! Without a seconds thought it jumped out into the street....and it is a very busy road the Dag Hammarskjöld....the car that came first managed to hit its brake just in time not to make a hamburger of the mutt....I question whether one would eat such a hamburger?!
Anyway its time wasnt right to do the big journey up to heaven...or maybe more appropriate for that dogrugg....hell......

Riding shotgun!!!!

Aaaaaah...sleeping shotgun!!!