Swenglish for you non-swedes after every paragraph.......
Vi har som hela Sverige drabbats av Afrikavärme den gångna veckan...ojojoj!! Så det har mest blivit att ligga i skuggan, ta mycket korta promenader tidig morgon och sen kväll ( om man orkar ) och kyla ned kroppen med våtkalla handdukar. Trots att det inte händer så mycket så har det var en händelserik vecka ????
We have, as the whole of Sweden, had Africa heat this last week....ouch!!! Laying in the shade, take slow and short walks in the early morning and evening and cooling your body with wet and cold towels has been the remedy. Inspite of that nothing has happened it has been an eventful week??!!
We have, as the whole of Sweden, had Africa heat this last week....ouch!!! Laying in the shade, take slow and short walks in the early morning and evening and cooling your body with wet and cold towels has been the remedy. Inspite of that nothing has happened it has been an eventful week??!!
Min nos fick en bula helt plötsligt??!! Jag fick en lite adlig profil eller vad tycker ni?? Nåja den satt inte i vägen och man kan ju alltid vikariera som noshörning på någon djurpark.....Kazumi tyckte jag kunde vara häxan Pomperipossa i någon teateruppsättning...hon är kul den där jäntan....
Matte antog att jag blivit biten av en geting eller mygga.....husse, den elakingen, sa att det var min hjärna som halkat ned.....jätte jättekul!!!
My nose came up with a bump suddenly!!?? Got a bit of a noble nose don´t you think?? Well it was not in the way and I thought of substitute as a rhino in some zoo nearby....Kazumi thought I could do a part in Hansel and Gretel as the witch....she is so funny that girl. Mistress supposed I got bitten by a wasp or something....master, the meanie, said that my brain had slided down...funny funny!!!
My nose came up with a bump suddenly!!?? Got a bit of a noble nose don´t you think?? Well it was not in the way and I thought of substitute as a rhino in some zoo nearby....Kazumi thought I could do a part in Hansel and Gretel as the witch....she is so funny that girl. Mistress supposed I got bitten by a wasp or something....master, the meanie, said that my brain had slided down...funny funny!!!
Nu är bulan borta!!!......den är fin den där näsan!!!!
Now the bump is gone.....it´s a fine nose again!!!
Now the bump is gone.....it´s a fine nose again!!!
Tidiga morgonpromenader i Brevik....
Early morning walks at Brevik.....
Early morning walks at Brevik.....
Väntar ut värmen med våtkalla handdukar i skuggan.....
Waiting for the heat to go away with cold towels in the shadow....
Kazumi har senaste tiden uppträtt konstigare än vanligt....hur det kan vara möjligt är över mitt lilla förstånd! Hon har morrat åt matte och husse, vill inte gå, gräver ned sina gosedjur, krafsar ihop mattorna, vägrar att äta?!....hon som är så matglad åt inte på tre dagar....och är allmänt sur och trött. Först trodde vi det var något allvarligt fel men så hittade vi orsaken.....skendräktighet!!! Nåt sånt skulle jag aldrig bli....ja det kanske har sin naturliga förklaring men ändå!!!! Kazumi mår bättre nu och äter som en elefant. Problemet ska väl inte kunna uppkomma nåt mer eftersom hon i höst ska genomgå en underredsbehandling grande....jag tycker nog en liten lobotomering vore på sin plats...men det är kanske svårt att göra på nån som bara har en hjärncell ☺☺☺
Kazumi has acted more peculiar then ever recently....how she can managed that is beyond my comprehension???? She has been growling at mistress and master, don´t want to take walks, been digging down her toys, doing nest of the carpets, not wanting to eat...didn´t eat for three days!!...and was generally moody and grumpy. First we thought it was something serious, but it was....false pregnancy!!!! I can tell you that I will never get that....can have it´s cause I guess. Kazumi is better now and eats like an elephant again. The problem will not occur again I think...she is doing an undercoating grande this fall....I think a little lobotomy would do the trick....but maybe it´s not possible if you only got one braincell...hehehehe!
Kazumi has acted more peculiar then ever recently....how she can managed that is beyond my comprehension???? She has been growling at mistress and master, don´t want to take walks, been digging down her toys, doing nest of the carpets, not wanting to eat...didn´t eat for three days!!...and was generally moody and grumpy. First we thought it was something serious, but it was....false pregnancy!!!! I can tell you that I will never get that....can have it´s cause I guess. Kazumi is better now and eats like an elephant again. The problem will not occur again I think...she is doing an undercoating grande this fall....I think a little lobotomy would do the trick....but maybe it´s not possible if you only got one braincell...hehehehe!
Nej jag har inte fått valpar!!! Vi ska begåvas med en liten shibatik-kompis!!! Husse Sebastian med flickvän Klara ska få en liten shiba som ska heta Chihiro. Det blir jättekul?? att tampas med en liten valp igen. Få se hur Kazumi kommer reagera....hon älskar nämligen Klara...hon kommer säkert bli våldsamt svartsjuk...eller inte. Skönt att jag får lite avlastning med lekandet ett tag,,,,att leka är inte riktigt min grej!!!
No it is NOT me with puppies!!! We are going to have company of a shiba puppy soon!!! It is master Sebastian and his girlfriend Klara that is havin a shiba bitch in the family. That´s going to be fun??? I just love when puppies bite my legs....not!!! Kazumi maybe will be jealous...she completely adores Klara. I am happy to have someone playing along with Kazumi....playing is just my cup of tea!!!