
måndag 30 december 2019

At last the holidays are, actually the dreadful New Years Eve is to come tomorrow!!!!! I personally hate New Years Eve!!!! Not the Eve per se but the fireworks people just must shoot off! And not only during the time the old year rings out and the new rings`s a couple of days before and after as well...if you go outdoors you can never be certain if you are going to be scared brainless or not!!! Ban the fireworks totally!!!! For the environment but first and foremost for MY SAKE!!! Greta do something please!!!!!!!

Luckily for Zumi the X-mas is over and all the food is gone. Was it to be X-mas all year round she would be big as an Kavkaszkaja that if you haven`t seen one, they are big as elephants.....she has no limit that girl when it comes to food. I am lucky she gets food from mum and dad otherwise she would eat me.....

Here you have some beautiful photos off daijina Mirai, Zumi and myself on a hike on the trail " Butterfly Path". Photos courtesy off Daijina Mirais mum Kitti, who is a very good photographer!
If we have had seen any butterflies it would have been a miracle....we are in the middle of the winter right now ( though the weather is like early spring, damn it...we are snowdogs and we want snow!!).
But during the summer this perticular area is a haven for butterflies......

Zumi giving a no one in perticular.... as she usually does....talks but seldom listens!

This is the main coon is Sebastian and Klara`s cat....they are away for a couple of days so we have to see to that she gets food....well mum and dad does that.....she is not in our house, she is at her own home...The King Sigge wouldn`t be happy having her in his kingdom.....

During one of our morningwalks we had two misfortunes....we went passed the house of the stupid dog "Morris"...he has a grudge towards us for a reason I don`t phatom....anyway the stupid mongrel was outside and saw us...and started his own Third World War. His dad has built a very high fence in front of the house...he has jumped over the old one once and tried to get at us. But that didn`t stop mongrelMorris...he has one or two brain cells as it seemed because he jumped over the fence to the NEIGBOURS lawn. As it turned out the neigbour, who also have a dog, has a high fence as well. The funny thing of it all was when Morris master ran yelling after his dog and had to do a very athletic high jump over the fence. Maybe the next Olymic Gold medalist!! We heard Morris screaming when his master got hold of him...we didn`t should not look my dad says...just go, ignore and mind your own business.....

The second one brought me down to "Mordor".....I heard the most dreadful scream chilled me through my bones that scream. I yanked at my leash but it made the scream even worse...was it me screaming??? No it was sounded that she was about to die. The stupid girl had jumped after she always does to start a fight...and since we were on leash she had managed to get a toe inside my steel clamp between leash and necklace!!!!! And it was stuck there...very very hard!!! Dad tried to get the toe loose but it was sat very hard....the clamp just squeezed the toe the more Zumi tried to get loose. Dad thought of calling mum so we could go by car to the vet....what a strange scene that must have been!!!! But eventually dad pushed the clamp more into Zumis toe and could get it free!!! Hurraha!!!!! 
No injury was seen on the toe!!! But do you think it was a lesson for Zumi??? No no no! Five seconds later she was jumping at me again!!!! 

Well now I have to get my hearing protections......UnHappy New Year!!!!!

måndag 23 december 2019

During a walk in the " City Woods" we found this X-mas tree growing...nice eh???..all these X-mas marbles. Sorry about the extra  red X-mas didn`t bother to use photoshop this time....

Kazumi, Sigge and me, with the rest of our family, wish you all a very pleasant X-mas holiday and loads of present ( if you have been nice all year that is, like us!!! )

måndag 16 december 2019

Only the swenglish it if you must!!!

Hi again you my virtual friends!! You maybe think due to the picture that we are resting on the floor of our summer house waiting for the fat bloke with a beard to come....... and I don`t mean the local biker dude!!! You are wrong!....if you look very close you can see we are holding our paws against our ears....why you may wonder?! It`s this bloody little fieldmouse that has some kind of own Olympic games on the roof!!!! The house is empty and quite during sometimes one to two weeks and then we get these little squatters coming in. Dad promised to fix the little ( and it is little ) slot in the facade during summer, but the lazy bugger decided it could wait and lay by the pool instead!!!! So we have these nonpaying guests paying us a visit when the fall comes...they are not many thank God, the local cats do their job ( unlike dad!! )...but they are a nuisance when they do their home-runs inside our house.

Dad has put up some mouse traps in the attic to catch them....Kazumi and I thought it better to put Sigge the cat in there instead...but he is so lazy......just sleeps in the sofa all day long. So mouse little guillotines...ones they used in the french revolution...chopped of heads like bread loafs. No more 100 meter runs for those little rasqals!!! Dad bates with some cheese...Zumi and I think that some pieces of candy bars would be a better idea....if they dont get their head rolling, at least they get a vicious toothache that will drive them crazy...serves them right!!!!!!

We had one winter day....yeeah!! Then the day after it rained is so should be heaps of snow right now if things were right.....instead it is cloudy, rainy and grey outside. We have to wear raincoats...and it is not fun...we look like the local dustman picking up garbage!

This is me from taken from a it was mum......

Outside our garden in Uppsala when it was that day of winter....

Our akita association in Swedenthe "Akita-inu Sällskapet" wants akita owners to do a BPH on their`s kind of a mental check-up. Well I can tell you straight away that I do NOT need any shrinkgoing inside my brain!!! I have no problem that I can`t handle!!! If the world have a hard time excepting me...well then THEY have got a problem and should be doing a BPH!!!!

But Zumi on the other hand!!!. She must have some kind of personality disorder. Every time the cat,Sigge that is,comes in from the outside,she always takes a rabbit...not a live one for Gods sake!! that would be the day when mum faints!!! No a toy rabbit ...she takes a toy rabbit in her mouth and goes up to him. Sigge gets scared and runs away of course...he has some sense! But what does she think?? That she is his mama and should be taking care of him....does she think she is a cat? Or that he is a little baby that wants to play??? Zumi! He is twelve years older than you!! He could be your grandfather...if he where a dog that is......
So dad! Please do a double BPH on Zumi!!!!

Now I have no more time for this...have to start the preparations for X-mas. Try to be nice these last days before the Santa comes....dont want to be put in the empty sack!!!
Just one week left before it begins. The X-mas holidays!!! We have this traditional start of it the day before X-mas Eve "dan före doppare-dan". We eat sushi and play "Bingo-Lotto" on the tv. It`s a bingo game were you could when loads of money, travels and stuff. We NEVER win anything!!! If dad should win it surely be a trip to Ougadougou!!! You can google that !!!!
See ya!!!

onsdag 4 december 2019

Hi guys!!...we are watching you!!!!! Big Brother as akitas and with a vengeance!!!!

We did 9  kilometers on our lunch walk today!!1...yes you heard right!..bloody 9 kilometers!! dont know what that would be in miles but I will guarantee you that it is a LOT!!
I am now so tired I don`t even remember my name let alone eat my dinner....don`t matter to Zumi though...she can eat in her sleep...missing a meal is NOT in her universe....

The wholedamn thing started with one of my mums "goodbad" says that mum sometimes comes up with those "goodbad" ideas that put us in a taking a shortcut that wind up in nowhere. Anyway, mum was going to dinner at a friends and wanted to take a plant with she thought of we should walk to " Blomsterlandet", a big flowerstore, " It can`t be far?!".

It was 4,5 kilometers single way!!!!!...and then we had to go back!!!
After a while I started to get tired....and when I get tired I just put myself on the ground....and try to pull 40 kilo of stubborn akita of the ground....impossible!!!

Zumi got tired to and that means starting a fight with me....or dragging me along in my leash. Do I like that???? not think so......

We went to a Christmas Fair at Hammarskog Mansion...don`t know why though!...we never bye anything and there is always a lot of people...and peolpe always means trouble...
Itis always this " oooh what beautiful dogs, what race is it" and blah blah blah...yeah yeah, we have heard it all before....can we go know!!! Please!!!
But one must be polite and smile and answer their questions in good manor....they are nice aren`t they...asking those questions..
Luckily for me Zumi is "over-social" and takes the front line......

My dad said to me "We are going for a ride today Shirai"...and then I thought he said " To a pet party!" Aha! I thought that would be fun....a party!!!!...though the best parties I have is with ok I could always try it.
But aren`t Zumi and Sigge the cat coming with us??? heard dad mumbling something about she doesn`t need it and he hasn`t got any....understood nada!!!

We arrived at the place where the party was taking place...a nice woman in the reception said "Welcome! this will be over in no time!"...what?? odd party to be over before it has started?!
I saw an amstaff waiting in line so I asked him..." Hi dude, you here for the party as well??" He looked at me with those bloodsoaked amstaff eyes and said " You funny punk?! I am here for my haemorrhoids!"

But anyhow...we went downstairs where there was a very lovely chick who said I have a nice fur!!...I always get nervous humans talk about my fur...I know what they did to my ancestors during the WW2!!!! awful awful things!!!!
Then a man with ponytail strolled up to me...must be the disk jockey I thought...but he had strange green clothes. The next moment I saw a syringe in his hand and then everthing went blank...totally totally blank. Must be very good shit in that syringe....maybe Sigge the Fentanyl Phantom had been dealing it to them!!!!

After a couple of hours I woke up at home...and I don`t remember a thing.....but I guess I must have had good fun at the party!!.....anyway my teeth felt very clean strangly enough????

Dad told me afterwards that I had been to the vet to have my teeth checked. I got a goldstar....I had no holes and very very little plaque. Thank you dad for brushing my teeth!!!! And thank God I don`t have haemorrhoids!!!!!