Two vigilant and eager watchdogs on the front step....or maybe not!!! When we rest we rest and when we are in action you do not want to be standing face to face with an akita that is angry....don`t let our lazy attitude fool you.....we can look like zoombies put when push cames to shove we can be the fighting dogs we are.......
Dad and his little no no!!! A lot of people we meet think I am the father to this.....thing a k a the shiba-inu Chihiro. And the terrible thing is that I think she believs that I am her father.....she always hang around me....could be that dad always takes us to on leash together and mum takes Zumi. It is easier to hold the two of them apart that way...they always bickers about something...
Ten kilogram of stubborness and japanese kamikaze should se the two of them....Chihiro and Zumi running after each other in our it lucky we have Ultuna, the University Veterinary Hospital just a short way from us. I usually stand in a good spot where they must pass and try to take a nibble of them....never succeeded yet though....they are to fast....
She is strong that little she has found a bone from a dinosaur....
There are a lot of vipers around this year.....and the little ones are the especially dangerous!!! The dog next door....the greyhound "Fanta"...short for Fantastic...though in my world a skinny broad like that is not fantastic!!...well anyway Fanta put the nose in a hole she shouldn`t and got a viper biting it!!!! Not too good! It swelled up to the size of Zumi`s rear end...hahahahaha!!! We are fortunate to have the vet hospital nearby so they rushed there and got serum.
I have told Zumi to watch out for the snakes....she always stick her nose into every vole hole she can see. But I guess the snake would be no match for her.....she is as poisonous as they are....
This is Sora...and in the background her brother Shadow the husky....they both live in the United States of America. Dad and I follow them on instagram....instagram is fun because you can see and learn what other akitas do all over the world. Would be fun to meet them one day but that will of course not is to far away and flying in a plane sitting in a small box for a lot of hours is not for me.....
Isn`t she beautiful?!
Three japanese dogs waiting for whom ever coming through that door. A split second after this picture is taken all hell will brake loose....eighty kilogram of fur jumping and barking at the person coming in...and often enough all three start to jump and bark at each other as well....if you want action you get action......
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