Hi there dear folks and friends round the globe.....hope you all are doing well...I am fine thank you but a little incident has happened that almost made me meet my maker....though I certainly do not think he want to meet me.....I have a slight tendency to bark....LOAD....at strangers I have not seen.....and I guess neither I nor anybody else has seen the big man. I will tell you about that misfortune that happened me later....you will have to be in a litlle supense eh?!....
Here we are all the three of us...japanese samurai dogs....in the jungle near our house. No actual wildlife like the kind they have in Africa, but an occasional roe deer or hare can jump out o the bushes...and of course the very annoying ( to Zumi anyway, I dont bother that much ) squirrle!!
We have some foxes as well and badgers....rumour says it that one attacked a dog and bit its nose....I very much hope it was that stupid Wilson or that even more stupid Morris that got his nose shorter!!! Hehehe!
Walking with Chihiro or ChiChi as she is called is very tideous...she has this annoying habit of stoping like every five meters to pee!!!! And she does it as a male dog??!!! Lifting one leg up and pee on a tree??!! I can not get my mind on from whom she has learned this????? Dad says I should only look in a mirror to get the answer...he is such a funny guy!!!!!
Well it is not easy to be a role model....is it???
Out with precious Daijina Mirai in the kingdom of Morga....Mirai is currently in a dog care center during the day when her naster, Björn, is working. She has acclimated very well in the center.....thats good. Us akitas can have some issues coming to people and dogs we dont know that well....but the one we like we like very much!!!!
Doctor Shirai at your service!!!!...checking the plumbing......
At almost every walk we do people have comments to give us....usually good one...very very seldom bad ones. We met a couple of guys that stopped and admire us, one said....." They say that akitas are very intelligent!!!"...that kind of talked we like!!!! But as always dad has to be a smart ass and spoil it by saying..." Not to mention the owners!!!"......My God!!!!!
As you can see we are now of royal heritage.....this is Sala Castle just outside Uppsala. No one lives there right now so we have an idea to move in......
ChiChi has had her first birthday!!!! Hip hip hurrah!!!! Dad made her a present....her pawprint casted in clay........
Now is the time to tell you when I almost met my mum in heaven....my dog mom that is, Miume, that was overrun by a big lorry when she was chasing a squirrel!!!!!
I was laying peacefully, as I always do, on the veranda at our house...in the sun...when I had this urge to go and drink some water. But when I tried to get up something was resisting that...and someone or something was slowely refusing to let my have air to breath!!!! The less air I got the more panic I got...and I pulled harder and harder. Fortunatly for me mom was outside and saw my predicament and came to my rescue. My necklace has a tag on it, like a bone, with dad phonenumber on it...and that little rascal had somehow glided down in between two planks and gotten stuck. The more I pulled on my necklace the more I strangled myself!!! Dad and mom had a hard time trying to calm me so that they could get the necklace off me....but they managed even though I snarled at them. Puh! that was an ordeal I can tell you......you can see my necklace stuck between the planks down below.....
After such a wringer it is nice to have a soft butt to rest on........
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