These great photos of us was taken by Daijina Mirais mistress Kitti.....down at Lyssnaängsbadet in Uppsala........
Is the new year here ???? Can we go outdoors without getting tinnitus now???? Those bloody fireworks are killing me!!!! But this year I have managed to stay more calm when I heard them....and the sellers of them said that last year ( 2019 ) was a bad year for them!!! Thank you Greta T!!!
We stayed at our summer house during the end of last year and the beginning of this year...not so many fireworks around...there is a farm with horses nearby and they are not fond of them either....
We like to think in Sweden that we are big environmentalists....we like the outdoors and take care of the nature around I stated "we like to think we are". But we have Greta Thunberg and we have the "allemansrätt"!! The "allemansrätt" or Right of Public Access is a very fine and rare a person you can actually go anywhere you want even if it is another persons property. Though it goes with a lot of responsibility....I cant go into someones garden to pee as it is...the owner would be very mad and dad would be mad as well. Sometimes people coming to visit Sweden takes this "allemansrätt" to a higher has been known that they take their picnic basket and use peoples garden and garden furniture too!!! Not very popular I can tell you......
But as a dog I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to roam around in forrests almost everywhere....that is not the fact in every country I guess....
Down at the newly renovated steam boat dock in Brevik....hopefully this summer we can take the steam boat on the Väddö Canal to Älmsta and then walk the foot path along the canal back to Brevik....
This is Luna, the Main Coon that belongs to Klara and Sebastian.....
And down below Sigge, our brother, in the position he likes best......the King!!!
On the beach.......
I just came to think of that I miss Winston!!! You know......Winston.....the neighbourhoods stupid golden retriever...always on the move and more then often without his owners....and more then often they didn`t even know he was gone until someone came back with him. He has moved away....
I really love golden retrievers....well it`s long as I can have them with some whipped cream on top...hehehehe!!!
The last couple of days we have had a lot of visits and gone to visit people as is very tiresome!!!! Especially when the japanese tornado a k a Chihiro comes down on us....but eventually a tornado must rest.....
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